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Foam Pudding Recipe Ingredients Coffee Flavor:

Foam Pudding Recipe Ingredients Coffee Flavor:

750 ml of liquid milk,
125 grams of sugar,
5 eggs yolk,
5 eggs beaten egg whites until stiff,
1 packet of white gelatin,
1 tablespoon instant coffee dissolved in 4 tablespoons hot water,
1 tsp salt.

How to make Foam Pudding Coffee Flavor:

1. Boil the milk with gelatin and coffee, stir, stir until boiling.
Remove and leave until lukewarm.
2. Beat the egg yolks of chicken, sugar and salt until light
white, and enter the gelatin mixture bit by bit as
still shaking with mixer. Enter the gelatin mixture into the
egg whites that have been beaten stiff, and mix well.
3. Prepare the pudding mold which has been moistened with water. Enter
gelatin mixture and chill until set. Remove pudding
from the freezer if it will be presented.

Bahan Resep Puding Busa Rasa Kopi:

750 ml susu cair,
125 gram gula pasir,
5 butir kuning telur,
5 butir putih telur dikocok sampai kaku,
1 bungkus agar-agar putih,
1 sdm kopi instan larutkan dengan 4 sdm air panas,
1 sdt garam.

Cara membuat Puding Busa Rasa Kopi:

1. Rebus susu dengan agar-agar dan kopi, diaduk-aduk sampai mendidih.
Angkat dan biarkan sampai suam-suam kuku.
2. Kocok kuning telur ayam, gula pasir dan garam sampai berwarna
putih, lalu masukkan campuran agar-agar sedikit demi sedikit sambil
tetap dikocok dengan mixer. Masukkan campuran agar-agar ke dalam
putih telur yang telah dikocok kaku, lalu aduk rata.
3. Siapkan cetakan puding yang telah dibasahi dengan air. Masukkan
adonan agar-agar lalu dinginkan sampai mengeras. Keluarkan puding
dari lemari pendingin jika akan disajikan.


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